Snippets: Names and Birthdays

I’m at work right now because, you know, all the greatest people blog from their desk jobs. I just had a customer come in and reserve a camera and a tripod. Since we have like ten different kinds of tripods, I called my boss at Home Base and  confirmed which one would be best. Apparently, I said the standard “Oh hi, it’s _(insert name here)_” and the customer overheard. The customer then proceeded to comment by saying that my name is very “old and beautiful”. The only reason why I’m even posting this is because I’ve never seen those two words together in the same sentence when refering to my name. I then managed to make a fool of myself and say “Yeah, I’m BIBLICAL”. Foot-in-mouth disease.

That’s not what I meant to say. The name can be found in the Bible. That’s it. The customer still laughed. No harm done. ANYWAY….

Dear Joaquin Phoenix,

Happy Birthday! I’m still naming my son after you, even though you sort of let me down with the whole “rap career” thing. I hope it works out for you, even though I know those things usually don’t. You’re a fabulous actor, I love your movies (especially Ladder 49, way to make me cry for two hours), and I wouldn’t mind marrying you- if the age difference doesn’t bother you, come find me. Well, I hope today has been special. Enjoy your 35th year of being on Earth!



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