To Leonardo on his 35th birthday

Oh God I’m such a terrible person. I missed Leonardo DiCaprio’s birthday by two days. To celebrate: an open letter.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Dear Leo,

Can I call you Leo? Thanks. Leo, you’re awesome. You’re one of the first Hollywood hunks I ever had on my wall (right there next to Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Devon Sawa). Your role in Titanic was extraordinary. My mother might have had to cover my eyes, but the second time around I saw the WHOLE thing. Since then, you’ve pretty much been up there on a pedestal. Romeo + Juliet might as well have been called Suicide Never Looked So Delicious. The Departed really brought you back into the spotlight for me (ehhh, Gangs of New York) as well as for many others. There was a gap somewhere…it’s okay, not like anyone is keeping tabs on that. What I’m really trying to say, I know it’s kind of convoluted at this point, is that no matter how pompous, pretentious or puffy you get, I’ll still love you. Mostly younger incarnations of you, but still you. You’re a versatile actor. You’ve got great hair. You like the environment. That’s rad. I hope you had a swell birthday with whichever model du jour you’re dating and that you enjoyed yourself plenty.



P.S. TODAY is my superduperbestfriend’s birthday and to celebrate her fabulous anniversary of existence, I leave you with something that makes both of us happy (and that we might have secretly choreographed in my living room one day).

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